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TM Ban Điều Hành Blog

29 January 2012

Thuyền Nhân

Bảng đồ Thuyền Nhân và các tuyến đường vượt biển để đến thế giới tự do ,thoát khỏi bàn tay CSVN

Người tị nạn trại Hồng Kông chờ đi định cư

28 Dec 1978, Manila, Philippines --- Boat people stranded on the ship "Tung-An", off the coast of Manila after an exodus from Vietnam. The 2700 Vietnamese refugees on board do not have the permission to disembark into the Philippines. Hungry, tired, and scared, living in unbearable conditions, the boat people must wait until a host country accepts them.  --- Image by © JP Laffont/Sygma/Corbis

August 1979, Ban Vinai, Thailand  --- Ban Vinai refugee camp. --- Image by © Serge Viallet/Sygma/Corbis

21 Nov 1978, South China Sea --- ON BOARD THE HAI HONG --- Image by © Alain DeJean/Sygma/CORBIS

21 Nov 1978, South China Sea --- The <Hai Hong> attempted to transport 2,500 Vietnamese refugees to Malaysia, but the Malaysian authorities refused them and, after supplying them with food and drugs, set them back adrift. --- Image by © Alain Dejean/Sygma/Corbis