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TM Ban Điều Hành Blog

13 March 2012

VIDEO - Nữ Dân Biểu Susan Davis Phát Biểu tại Hạ Viện Hoa Kỳ Về Thỉnh Nguyện Thư & Nhân Quyền Cho Việt Nam

More than 140,000 Americans signed a petition to urge the White House to make human rights a top issue in trade negotiations with Vietnam. Hundreds came to the Capitol and dozens came to my office to raise their voice yesterday. I'm pleased to see democracy in action! Today, I joined them and spoke on the House floor to bring attention to human rights violations in Vietnam, including the imprisonment of singer/songwriter Viet Khang.
Watch the video.!/petition/stop-expanding-trade-vietnam-expense-human-rights/53PQRDZH

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